Advisory Panel
Jo Doidge-Harrison
Jo Doidge-Harrison, BA MA Dip.RSA
Jo read for a BA in History at the University of Cambridge, specialising in the US civil rights movement, 19th century deviance and secret intelligence. She went on to study for an RSA Diploma in the Fine and Decorative Arts at Christie’s, before joining Sotheby’s to become Director of Modern British Art and Head of Irish Art. This led to an ever increasing interest in how objects and sites can build and amplify our understanding of historical ‘truth’. Subsequently, Jo worked for various charities and NGOs, managing and participating in international expeditions focused on youth and community development and conservation. She qualified for her PGCE at the University of Oxford and has worked at Cheltenham College since 2007, serving as Head of History since 2011. Since visiting Auschwitz, Jo has been inspired to rewrite the College’s entry level scheme of work in History, to give greater time and prominence to the teaching of the Holocaust. The plan is to set it within a year long study of how historians judge relative historical significance, and also to consider forms of commemoration, via a comparative understanding of the two world wars, set alongside a survey of genocide within the American West, Cambodia, and Rwanda.
Edward Swift
Edward Swift – BA Theology Hons, MA Philosophy, PGCE
After leaving Wellington College in 2006 Edward attended Exeter University to read Theology. Upon graduating he was accepted into a PGCE in Religious Education at University College, Oxford where he combined pedagogy and teaching for a year before being appointed to the teaching staff at Dulwich College. He taught Religion and Theology at Dulwich as well as being a Resident Tutor in a Sixth Form boarding house, sports coach and Middle School Housemaster. He left Dulwich to pursue being a Head of Department at Reed’s School, Cobham. Being Head of Philosophy & Religion is an incredibly rewarding role; developing the holistic education of our pupils and nurturing enquiring minds are two of his priorities. As well as teaching, he is a School Governor of a maintained primary school in West London, his predominant role is as the Governor Safeguarding Link. He is married and has recently become a father. Hiis interests include being a Captain in the Combined Cadet Force of the British Army, playing the saxophone, the banjo, and rugby.